MyUH Club Home Page

This is the homepage for the MyUH Club Project. We wish to create a platform of communication between students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, as well as its Registered Independent Organizations.

View the Project on GitHub


Find our project source code here.

Find our project application here.

Find our project milestone 1 here.

Find our project milestone 2 here.

Find our project milestone 3 here.

The main goal of this project is to use software engineering to create a platform of effective communication for the University of Hawaii’s various extra curriculur activities. There are over 200 RIOs (Registered Indepedent Organizations) affiliated with UH Manoa, which can be overwhelming to students attempting to determine which clubs to join. If we are able to gather and present information about the RIOS on campus in a simple but effective manner, as this may increase a student’s opportunity to find a RIO that matches their interests. This application should:

User Guide

Basic User Guide

Organizer Guide

Administrator User Guide

Community Feedback

The group conducted user testing for 6 individuals from various backgrounds.

Our testing process is as follows:

  1. The person administering the test will have the participant watch the Basic User Guide video tutorial.
  2. After watching the tutorial, administers will instruct participants to register an account and log in.
  3. Administers will instruct participants to navigate to the pages available to them.
  4. Administers will instruct the participants to utilize the Report a Problem Page to submit a report. The tasks were to register, log in, and to submit a report.
  5. Administers instruct the participant to log out.
  6. Lastly, the participants will fill out a Google form questionnaire pertainning to their experiences with the application.

For the Google form, we asked the particpants a combination of closed and open ended questions in regards to the application.

Above we have an image of the tallied responses from the Google forms. According to our survey, all 6 of our particpants found the site easy to use.

Above is an image of the various reasons the participants found the site easy to use.

Above is an image of the resuts of another survey question inquiring about the user’s experiences completeing the tasks assigned to them.

Above is an image of the various reasons for the participants answers about the difficulty of the tasks assigned to them.

Finally, the image above is one containing various user’s feedback from the user survey. Based on the user testing, we can conclude that the participants found the site easy to navigate, after they had been given proper instructions. When this project began, ease of use and simplicity was the main goal for our team. Due to the responses from the user testing, it is safe to say we have achieved our main goal.

Developer Guide

Part One

Text Version


Download a copy of the source code. There are a many ways to do this but the most convienient way is to go to our github project page and click the green button that says “clone or download”. Select the option to download ZIP. Next, decompress the zip file with your method of choice.


Depending on your OS, the instructions for installing the application may differ.

Instructions for MAC OS or Linux based systems

For Mac or Linux systems, navigate to the directory holding the application. Open up the command line and use the following:

cd myuh-club-source

Then, navigate to the “app” directory.

cd app

Now that you are in the app directory, run the following command to install meteor:

meteor npm install

Congratulations, you have installed meteor!


To run the application, navigate to the app directory inside the myuh-club-source directory and enter the following command:

meteor run

or you can use the short hand:


This process will allow you to run the application locally on your machine. After running the command in the appropriate directory, open a web browser and in the address bar, enter “http://localhost:3000/” and you should be taken to your local application.

Part Two
